Waterfront East LRT
Waterfront Toronto is working in partnership with the City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to construct a Light Rail Transit (LRT) network serving Toronto’s eastern waterfront, including the East Bayfront and Port Lands.
This system will support significant planned employment and population growth in the area. Spanning from Union Station to the foot of Bay Street and along Queens Quay East to the Distillery Loop on Cherry Street and into the Port Lands, the route will connect existing and new neighbourhoods and destinations on the water’s edge to the broader city and region.
The Waterfront East Light Rail Transit (WELRT) is part of the City of Toronto’s Waterfront Transit Network Expansion that will improve mobility in the rapidly growing communities along Lake Ontario from Long Branch to Leslie Barns.
Information about the Transit and Rail Project Assessment Process for the Waterfront East LRT and the Environmental Project Report can be found on the City of Toronto’s website.
Quick Facts
Project Area
The TTC is leading design and engineering for the underground transit link between Union Station and Queens Quay that will surface at a new portal on Queens Quay east of Bay Street. Waterfront Toronto is leading the design and engineering for the on-street portion of the transit infrastructure and the streetscape along Queens Quay East between Bay Street and the future New Cherry Street, building on the successful design vision that transformed Queens Quay West. Along Cherry Street from the current Distillery Loop to Commissioners Street, the design will build upon work completed by the Port Lands Flood Protection project to install a dedicated transit right of way and complete the surrounding public realm. The design will enhance streetscape and public spaces, making for a faster, safer, and more enjoyable experience for transit riders, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists along the length of the corridor.

Project Status
In November 2023, City Staff reported to Toronto City Council on the completed 30% design and costing, preliminary design business case, and constructability assessment for the Waterfront East LRT. Council adopted recommendations including approval of the project alignment, funding and direction to undertake 60% design of Segments 2 and 3 of the project (Queens Quay to Villiers Loop and Cherry north connection), and direction to secure environmental approvals for all Segments of the project, among other items.
A Transit and Rail Project Assessment Process (TRAP) to update the previous Environmental Assessments is also underway. The official Notice of Commencement and how to provide comments on the draft Environmental Project Report can be found on the City of Toronto’s website.
Public Consultation
Public consultation is a vital part of the planning process of the WELRT. The planning and design teams have engaged with residents to discuss this City of Toronto priority project. In March 2019, the City of Toronto held a public meeting to gather feedback on the initial plans. In February and June of 2021, virtual community consultations introduced new design work. In April 2023, the City of Toronto, Waterfront Toronto and TTC hosted a virtual public meeting to update the public on design changes and progress and hear feedback on the Waterfront East Light Rail Transit (LRT) Extension. You can access the presentations and Engagement Summary Reports through the links below.
April 2023 Virtual Public Meeting
June 2021 Virtual Community Consultation
February 2021 Virtual Community Consultation
March 2019 Public Meeting
September 2017 Public Meeting
- The presentation from this meeting is available upon request.
May 2016 Public Meetings
- A presentation of Study Progress is available upon request.
Since the last public meeting, the project team has continued to engage with stakeholders and landowners on the design development for this piece of the project.
For more detailed information and to participate in future public consultations, please visit the City of Toronto website.