Our Position on the Revitalization of Ontario Place

View of proposed Celebration Common in Ontario Place revitalization

An image of the proposed Celebration Common from the plan to revitalize Ontario Place. (Image courtesy of Ontario's Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport)

POSTED: JULY 31, 2014

Waterfront Toronto is encouraged by the plan to revitalize Ontario Place announced yesterday by Ontario’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

The vision is consistent with both the original purpose of Ontario Place – as an iconic provincial asset and a destination for all Ontarians – and with the advice that Waterfront Toronto gave to the Minister’s Advisory Panel on Ontario Place Revitalization in March of 2012 to ensure that the site is fully accessible at no cost, integrated with the urban fabric that surrounds the area along the waterfront and mindful of how it will develop in the future.

The revitalization of Ontario Place truly represents a unique opportunity to revitalize what is an iconic provincial asset. Like much of the waterfront, it is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. The revitalization of Ontario Place will not only redefine the western waterfront, but is an opportunity to take what is now an underperforming asset and transform it into something that will yield social and economic benefits for the city and province.

Waterfront Toronto is supportive of the government’s efforts to revitalize Ontario Place into a year-round destination for visitors and citizens with accessible green space, a waterfront trail across the entire site, retail, recreational and cultural activities all done in a manner that properly addresses planning and development priorities.

Robust public consultation is one of Waterfront Toronto’s core principles and we support the province’s plans to continue to give citizens a voice in planning decisions on how to revitalize the larger Ontario Place. 

We are excited to be part of the first phase of the revitalization of Ontario Place through the design, planning and public consultation process in the creation of the Urban Park and Trail and we would be happy to continue supporting the Province as it moves forward with the larger revitalization of Ontario Place. 

You can learn more about the Ministry’s plans for Ontario Place at: www.mtc.gov.on.ca/en/ontarioplace/ontarioplace.shtml