How Socially Responsible and Sustainable is Waterfront Toronto?

Waterfront Toronto's Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Report

Read our Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Report and give us your feedback!

POSTED: APRIL 22, 2015

Waterfront Toronto is committed to creating a revitalized waterfront that sets a national and global model for sustainability.  In 2013, Waterfront Toronto launched its first Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report (CSRSR), to track just how well we’ve achieved this goal. The report is available at and it provides plenty of information about how we are working to deliver green, livable, prosperous communities. The report takes a balanced triple bottom line approach, quantifying success not by economics alone, but also through measurable environmental and social improvements.

Our commitment to transparency and accountability means that the report identifies and communicates our achievements, our strengths and the challenges we’ve faced. It’s a great place to learn more about Waterfront Toronto’s vision and strategy on sustainability.

Since launching the site, we’ve been updating it periodically to incorporate new data and add new metrics. As we reach a major milestone this June, with the completion of Queens Quay West Revitalization and the coming 2015 Toronto Pan/Para Pan Am Games, we’re preparing to make a larger and more comprehensive update to the report, including an enhanced level of reporting.

As part of this update, we would like your feedback on what should be in the new report. We invite you to review the report and send us your questions and feedback. Your feedback will ensure that our 2015 CSRSR update reflects the content that you want to see.

Read the report here:

And then complete a short survey to give us your thoughts: